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That is what a lot of people want to know these days. How to earn money on the internet. How it all works and how can they do it. Money Making Websites has always been something people continue to search for online. It is easy, anybody can do it and that is why everybody is doing it!


When you become a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliates, you get access to  all the tools you need to build your website. If you are not a highly technical person, this is perfect for you.

That is the whole point of most of the Wealthy Affilaite platform, everything is meant for a beginner. Everything is step by step. This includes building your first website.

Wealthy Affiliates SiteRubix is software created manage all of the installations and hosting you would normally need to know and understand to create your own money making websites.

First Steps

You start with your domain. You have 3 basic choices to do this. You can start with a free domain. This means using a subdomain for SiteRubix and is perfect for begginers. This means you can change it later to so you don’t have to worry about anything just starting out.

If you already have a domain, then you can just use that one of course! Being a one stop shop for everything an Internet Marketer needs to build money making websites, you can also register a new domain at Wealthy Affiliates through SiteRubix.

For the sake of this review we are going to select a free domain.


This is where you will pick the theme for your website. A theme is basically a prepackaged design, like a template. This will show you what kind of layout and visual appearance your website will have.

The SiteRubix builder is installing WordPress software for you to use. This gives you access to a huge selection of themes.

You can select a theme by imaging your content, your own pictures and writing to fill in the screen. All of the theme are designed to show static pages as content, as well as blog rolls. How, and what information you decide to layout for the viewer is up to you of course.



Building the website, is as simple as clicking a few more buttons. When you think of building your website you really should think of adding content to it. That is the real key to money making websites. The content you add to your site is what should bring visitors to the site. Over time, the following you create will develop a sense of trust with you and in turn, make purchases from you.

The actual installation of the website is really just a couple of simple clicks and from there, you are indeed ready to add in your content.

It really is that simple, there is nothing else to do. Not only is your design ready for content, your website is installed with many features to keep it secure and functioning properly.


Any money making website has to be secure and perform well. These are little details that you might not think of if you are not a technical person. No worries, you are covered anyway.

Wealthy Affiliates has added SiteSpeed. This means better everything really. Especially the experience for the people viewiing your website.

SiteSSL (HTTPS)SSL Certificate

This tells visitors that your website is safe, and so is their information. This is the new standard that search engines cover.


This is to protect your site from spam and it keeps your site clean and tidy.


All of the above mentioned features are another reason the Premium Membership at Wealthy Affiliates is worth it. All of the other headaches of installing and hosting are taken care of, not to mention these other features, that can turn into added expenses.

The SSL certificate is something that most other hosting companies will charge, to both purchase and have installed. While you can find most free pluggins to handle spam and protect your site, this still means spending some time to find the right ones. Once again, once installed, more time is needed to make sure everything is running properly all the time.

Having these details taken care of really does free you up for the more important aspects of your websites.



Building money making websites is all about the content. Adding content to your website is an ongoing thing. You will learn from the courses at Wealthy Affiliates all the proper steps to adding the right content to your site in the right steps.

There is a process from going from installing the software to picking your design, to adding content, to monetizing your site. That is indeed the whole point and what you are aiming to do, create links that make you money.


There are a couple of things that you are paying for when you join and become  a Premium Member at Wealthy Affiliates. I really do think it comes down to looking at it a couple of different ways, that is why I say all of this.

On one hand, you are definetly paying for access to the courses and learning step by step how to be a successful Affiliate Marketer. Absolutely everything you need to do that, is laid out in the courses, along with the support and resources of the entire community to help you.

On the other hand, you have all the technical back up and fire power to build the money making websites you want! That really is the truth of the matter too!

If you have looked in to learning Affiliate Marketing, or even building a website, you understand some of the costs involved. From domain registration, to hosting, to finding the right plugins. Time is more valuable then money and this is a lot of time saved.

Wealthy Affiliates has everything covered, from the education to the tools need to execute your plans.

Go ahead and try for yourself! Pick a name and start building your money making website right now!

If any of this has interested you at all, I highly recommend you just sign up right away. You get 2 weeks and you don’t need a credit card to sign up.

You will know if this is something you want to keep going with once you have tried it out.

Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments, always willing to talk with others!