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I am here writing this post today joining the literally hundreds of thousands of members of Wealthy Affiliates, that are probably writing blogs themselves. Being a Wealthy Affiliate in Canada, that’s what we do.  It is mentioned time and time again, the top 3 searches on the internet still remain to be for love money and health. Everybody, well most people I know, wish to be living a lifestyle of freedom. Freedom from time and obligation more then anything. I realize that we all have our different versions of wealthy, or how much money you really have to have in the bank to consider yourself rich. In my mind, I just want to be my own boss, I don’t need a gazillion dollars but I would like to make a few bucks. That’s why I market and sell Wealthy Affiliates in Canada, and accross the world.

Building trust and being an authority on anything on the internet is what being an affiliate means. You can be an affiliate in Canada, or anywhere for that matter, that’s what it is all about. A laptop, heck even a phone, although I really don’t like working on such a small dashboard myself. Point is, being an affiliate is possible anywhere with an internet connection. And that is why it is something more and more people are doing.

Wealthy Affiliates was created by Canadians. That right there is a reason I love it. How can I not! Being a proud Canadian myself, these guys are true examples of successful entrepreneurs. The entire platform is based on the steps it takes to build a website from the very begining. That is not the only reason I joined though. I wanted to know about Canadian affiilate marketing and what it all meant in general. I think anybody can just build a website. We wouldn’t see them all about anything and everything if the sites themselves were dificult.

Anybody can just build a website, just remember it’s pretty much just a brochure for people to look at. If you have a goal of actually selling them something, that might take a little bit more work. A little bit more time and most definitely some investment. Invest of your time and of course, for any business to succeed, an investment of your money.

Working online and creating a passive income means you love being on the internet, whether it’s through social media marketing, or your own message on a website. It also means you love to share. Some people call it selling, I call it sharing. Because I am. I share options and you decide whether it is right for you or not. I was looking at all the different programs, like the affiliate program for Amazon Canada or anything else that claimed I could make money online with.

I wanted to understand what was happening though. The birth of the internet and the information era also has it’s downfalls.  There are systems, techniques, loopholes, programs, courses, webinars, you name it, somebody out there, just like me (in some limited ways) has something to offer you. I knew I wanted to be online cause I love creating sites and sharing technology. I wanted to know a little bit about all of it though.

Still thinking?

Wish I could say that I didn’t buy all the courses, and didn’t waste my time or my money on anything that didn’t work. I did though, and through a lot of trial and error, just like anything in life, I learned a lot of things. Then I found something that works for me.

I don’t know where exactly you want to be on the internet but Wealthy Affiliates is a great place to start. I am not here to sell it to you. If you read this far, your already interested anyways so check it out.

If you are still not convinced, or you want to find out more, throw out a comment, I am ready and waiting to talk with you today!

Thanks for Reading!