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Welcome Amazon to Fortune Follows The Bold ! And why not, it is indeed a way to create an online income! What is particularly special about this post, to me anyways, is the celebration of where I am and where I am going.

I know that I am growing, and learning and right now I am more excited then I have been in quite a long time. This website is growing, and growing rather quickly, I want it to keep growing!

There is a reason this website is here, and why I promote Wealthy Affiliate. There is a reason I am online and  there is a reason I believe so strongly in paying it forward. The [easyazon_link identifier=”B01AKE4QAA” locale=”US”]Money Blog[/easyazon_link] book is written by the guy that got me started with affiiate marketing.

Sales! Well, sales on the internet. That’s what I call it. We are all sales people, everyday of our lives, whether we realize it, or want to admit it or not! Just think of the last time you wanted, better yet, NEEDED something. Even a rocket scientist becomes a sales person when they pitch for a donation.


Affiliate marketing and being on Amazon are something very mainstream now. Googling it has become the new answer and as consumers we look for reviews on the internet.

Reviews from almost anybody! We ourselves refer our friends and family to things everyday. That in itself is what Amazon and affiliate marketing are all about in general.

And why not!? You can even order a mattress online if you want to. And what is driving those sales? Reviews and people sharing all about the experiences they have. Let me tell you, that is power stuff. As a former mattress sales person myself, I cannot believe the popularity of a mattress you can not even lay on first.

Having said, the offer is simply to hard to resist, I can see what it is appealing to the new generations it is appealing too. Just like googling it, or looking on Amazon. Try a [easyazon_image align=”center” height=”1333″ identifier=”B00M9COERM” locale=”US” src=”” width=”2000″] that everybody raves about, skip the pushy sales people in the stores. You spend about as much money on a good mattress anyways, how can you go wrong with free shipping and return!

So back to why I am here writing this post again! Cause Fortune is here to show anybody who is looking, there are ways to make money online. I had fun writing this post and telling you about affiliate marketing and Amazon, all the while creating potential income as well.

That is what this is all about right. When you are googling it, looking for somebody to let you know where you can buy what you want, your looking for somebody you can trust. That means there needs to be some substance behind what you see and read on the internet. This is why you compare and contrast, scroll up and down and check out a few different links.

When you have found what you beleive you are looking for, from a source you believe you can trust, today you can actually just click and have it delivered. That is the power of the internet, the power of your knowledge, and why I am online today.

I joined Wealthy Affiliate through a link on a website. The guy that wrote Money Blog, created that website promoting the WA, same as I am here.  I believe in honest, integrity and paying it forward in sales. If you are not truly helping somebody when you take their money, then you are manipulating them.

I believe the options and advice offered here, is well informed and tangible. If you think you should be online, or want to be, you should check them out for yourself.

You can leave me a comment, tell me what you think or find out how to get involved yourself!

Thanks for reading!


My Personal Invitation!

After more then a decade in Affiliate Marketing I have decided to start creating my mailing list to help other people make money online. The reason I started in the first place. Now I know the right and the wrong ways to do things, and I am here to show you. 

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