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So here we go with what affiliate marketing and Amazon are all about. I really can’t believe that it’s surging right now. The idea of Amazon. That means I get to tell you about perfect exercise equipment. I know that seems like a silly thing to get excited about, But I am!

Affiliate Marketing

I have been online as an Affiliate Marketer for almost 3 years now. Things are changing rapidly however the basics, the real fundementals of making money online have not changed at all. When it comes to how you establish these fundementals to become an Internet Marketer, I recommend Wealthy Affiliate. This site is centered around what I have learned by being a premium member there.

They teach you what is important and WHY so you can succeed if you want to have business online. Back to Amazon.


The fun part of Affiliate Marketing is all about building trust. I believe marketing and sales in general have always had a bad reputation in life, however mindsets are changing every day. On one hand you have people that want to have the laptop lifestyle and make money working from home.

To complete those people you have a paradign occuring as more and more people are becoming online shoppers. Even Beds! Yes, buying a mattress online and having it shipped right to your door is what shopping and convenience are all about.

The numbers are always going to grow. Every single day there are going to be even more people searching for the same thing. How to make money online. The answers are not changing at all. To be successul at internet marketing you need to supply content to the public and you have to develop a following.

This following leads to trust and authority. Meaning, people trust the information you are supply, enough to purchase from you. The amazing thing about what Amazon has done for Internet Marketing and Affiates is brought integrity back to the game.

That’s the part of sales that nobody ever wants to talk about. That is why commission sales people are sometimes loathed upon. Nobody enjoys the experience of a pushy sales person.

They may not believe they are pushy in their own mind however, to a person who does not like confrontation or saying no to anybody, a confident sales person can sour people.

Affiliate Marketing is sales. Amazon has so many sales, from affiliates, that the numbers just cannot be denied. In fact, the numbers for Amazon are pretty amazing.


Thanks to this amazing concept and the ever growing population, everybody wants to be on Amazon. There are courses everywhere to learn how to sell a product, even your own product on Amazon now.

The reason for this is simple. People are seeing and now they are believing. Old values and traditional ways of thinking are going out the window for the new generations. Even Bitcoin and Crypto Currencies are making waves because e-commerce and making money online are the new reality.

The idea of ordering anything site unseen doesn’t matter anymore. Most products are guaranteed to satisfy you or you can just send them right back at no cost to you anyways, what do you have to lose right?

My Review

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Now we can talk about the perfect exercise equipment! The reason I am so excited is because to me, this is leading by example!

I mean, here I am on my site about Affiliate Marketing, another way of saying referral if you will, telling you everything I know about these exercise equipment. The reason I am going to tell you all about this stuff is because it’s everything I use at the gym!

I have recently started to exercise again, going to the gym on a consistent basis. One of the things I want at home if possible soon is my own elliptical.

You need some cardio to get going in a workout. I know I should maybe just going for a walk, however sometimes the weather plays a role in physical exercising.

I am not really here to give you a complete review on an elliptical. I just want you to see how affiliate marketing works. This article is an example, and I am using Amazon to show everybody how credible all of this is.

Throw your comments down in the box!









My Personal Invitation!

After more then a decade in Affiliate Marketing I have decided to start creating my mailing list to help other people make money online. The reason I started in the first place. Now I know the right and the wrong ways to do things, and I am here to show you. 

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