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That is why I do it. That is why we do anything right? If finding a niche and going for it on the internet is the key to your dream, if affiliate marketing makes you happy then you should go for it.

Growing Everyday

The number of people looking, searching for ways to make money.  The answer is really simple if you want to be online to do it; make money that is. How you do it, as an Internet Marketer, is to become an authority. Prove your worth, get the people to trust you and you will sell whatever it is you are selling.

Commission Sales

This is the way most of the world actually works. On the internet for some reason, commission sales is called affiliate marketing. This means you know of a product, or service that may be of use to somebody, you should collect a reward, kind of like a finders fee to connecting people to that product or service for the seller. If a deal is made, you receive a commission because the seller is thanking you for generating a sale for them!

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Helping People

I have always been very successful with sales. That is, showing people want they NEED vs what they WANT. In today’s world, I believe that is the key to making your customers happy. You don’t need to be pushy anymore, you just need to let the people decide for themselves, once you educate them.

Your Reward

In our world, so far, we still work hard for the dollar. That is our reward, and the more dollars we can earn the more freedom in our lives we can have. I have said it a million times before, I agree with Zig Ziglar,

” If you are not truly helping somebody when you sell them something, then you are manipulating them”

What’s Your Niche?

Today, when you want to find something, you want the answer to something, you Google it. Depending on how important it is in your life, may determine exactly how much searching you do on the subject. You might just go with the first answer you find.

The Right Answer

That is what everybody is searching for. The interesting part  for an affiliate marketer to figuring out is what people are searching for, you don’t know where exactly a person is going to find the exact information they are looking for. This means YOUR GOAL, is to put up as much information about your Niche as possible. The person search may find their content anywhere, it might come from a YouTube video. A blog post from a few years ago. Maybe they click on Viral News that hit the internet that day. The point is they will find what they are looking for. After they click on a few things…maybe learn a couple facts about what they were searching for. Maybe, they learn from you. Then they buy from you, because, today, that is how it works. They can literally click a button to buy it right now, on their phone, their laptop, there desktop or tablet. Did I miss anything?

This Equals Your Success

So to succeed, as impossible as it might seem at times, if you want to create income at affiliate marketing you will come to realize that your real goal, is helping people, which is something you love to do, however you do it. Taking it online means writing about it. Telling the world about it, showing them you can be trusted, that you want to help them.

Your Future

My future too, depends on what we see for ourselves and how bad we want it. My friend wants to be make money at home making [easyazon_link identifier=”B01IUP72MA” locale=”CA” tag=”fortune04-20″]wedding decorations[/easyazon_link]. I hope we are looking back at this post a few years from now and celebrating her success.

Thanks for reading, thanks for visiting! Got an idea? Question? Comment…..come on…I know you want to! 🙂